Who I Am
I'm Emilie. I'm a pretty normal girl with a lot to say!
Who I am: I'm a university student (German studies and Cinematography), older sister, cat and elephant lover, aspiring writer and filmmaker, a terrible cook, a proud Frenchie, and (recently) Blogger. I've also decided to spice things up and challenge myself every month with a different '30 day challenge'!
(Completed) 30 Day Challenges: Gluten-Free, NaNoWriMo
I talk about: Books, school, work, fitness, travelling, family and friends, movies, spending time outdoors, lists, crafts, and whatever else I spend my time doing!
Let's be honest here: I'm a clean-freak, I love studying, I'm not a very good cook, my first language is French, I don't have the best control over my temper (but I'm working on it), I love crafts, I'm not very educated on fashion and makeup, I'm not a fan of wearing brands, I get very passionate about a lot of things, which I'm sure I will write all about!
Aspirations: I hope to one day publish a book, I want to see all the countries of Europe, I want to be a film director or screenwriter, I want to run a marathon (half-marathon, let's not get crazy here!), and graduate university.